
Contains interfaces and contracts related to pools.



import "@etherisc/gif-next/contracts/pool/IPoolComponent.sol";

pool components hold and manage the collateral to cover active policies pools come in different flavors

  • [verifyApplication(applicationNftId, bundleNftId, collateralizationAmount)]

  • [applicationMatchesBundle(applicationNftId, applicationData, bundleNftId, bundleFilter, collateralizationAmount)]

  • [processConfirmedClaim(policyNftId, claimId, amount)]

  • [getInitialPoolInfo()]

  • [withdrawFees(amount)]

  • [getInstance()]

  • [getAuthorization()]

  • [getName()]

  • [getToken()]

  • [getTokenHandler()]

  • [getWallet()]

  • [isNftInterceptor()]

  • [isRegistered()]

  • [getComponentInfo()]

  • [getInitialComponentInfo()]

  • [nftTransferFrom(from, to, tokenId, operator)]

  • [isActive()]

  • [getInitialInfo()]

  • [getRelease()]

  • [linkToRegisteredNftId()]

  • [getNftId()]

  • [getOwner()]

  • [getRegistry()]

  • [supportsInterface(interfaceId)]

  • [authority()]

  • [setAuthority()]

  • [isConsumingScheduledOp()]

  • [LogPoolVerifiedByPool(pool, applicationNftId, collateralizationAmount)]

  • [LogComponentWalletAddressChanged(oldWallet, newWallet)]

  • [LogComponentWalletTokensTransferred(from, to, amount)]

  • [LogComponentTokenHandlerApproved(tokenHandler, token, limit, isMaxAmount)]

  • [LogNftOwnableNftLinkedToAddress(nftId, owner)]

  • [AuthorityUpdated(authority)]

verifyApplication(NftId applicationNftId, NftId bundleNftId, Amount collateralizationAmount) external

This is a callback function that is called by the product service when underwriting a policy. The pool has the option to check the details and object to underwriting by reverting. The function is only called for "active" pools that ask to be involved/notified. The default implementation is empty.

applicationMatchesBundle(NftId applicationNftId, bytes applicationData, NftId bundleNftId, bytes bundleFilter, Amount collateralizationAmount) → bool isMatching external

Returns true iff the application matches with the bundle. This is a callback function that is only called if a pool declares itself as a verifying pool The default implementation returns true.

processConfirmedClaim(NftId policyNftId, ClaimId claimId, Amount amount) external

This is a callback function that is called by the claim service when a claim is confirmed. The pool has the option to implement custom behavirous such as triggering a reinsurance claim or blocking the claim confirmaation. The default implementation is empty.

getInitialPoolInfo() → struct IComponents.PoolInfo info external

Returns initial pool specific infos for this pool

LogPoolVerifiedByPool(address pool, NftId applicationNftId, Amount collateralizationAmount) event


import "@etherisc/gif-next/contracts/pool/IPoolService.sol";
  • [setMaxBalanceAmount(maxBalanceAmount)]

  • [lockCollateral(instance, token, productNftId, applicationNftId, bundleNftId, sumInsuredAmount)]

  • [releaseCollateral(instance, policyNftId, policyInfo)]

  • [processPayout(instanceReader, instanceStore, productNftId, policyNftId, bundleNftId, payoutId, payoutAmount, payoutBeneficiary)]

  • [stake(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [unstake(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [closeBundle(bundleNftId)]

  • [withdrawBundleFees(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [processFundedClaim(policyNftId, claimId, availableAmount)]

  • [fundPoolWallet(amount)]

  • [defundPoolWallet(amount)]

  • [processSale(bundleNftId, premium)]

  • [getDomain()]

  • [getRoleId()]

  • [initializeVersionable(activatedBy, activationData)]

  • [upgradeVersionable(upgradeData)]

  • [getVersion()]

  • [isActive()]

  • [getInitialInfo()]

  • [getRelease()]

  • [linkToRegisteredNftId()]

  • [getNftId()]

  • [getOwner()]

  • [getRegistry()]

  • [supportsInterface(interfaceId)]

  • [authority()]

  • [setAuthority()]

  • [isConsumingScheduledOp()]

  • [LogPoolServiceMaxBalanceAmountUpdated(poolNftId, previousMaxCapitalAmount, currentMaxCapitalAmount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceWalletFunded(poolNftId, poolOwner, amount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceWalletDefunded(poolNftId, poolOwner, amount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceBundleCreated(instanceNftId, poolNftId, bundleNftId)]

  • [LogPoolServiceBundleClosed(instanceNftId, poolNftId, bundleNftId)]

  • [LogPoolServiceBundleStaked(instanceNftId, poolNftId, bundleNftId, amount, netAmount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceBundleUnstaked(instanceNftId, poolNftId, bundleNftId, amount, netAmount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceFeesWithdrawn(bundleNftId, recipient, tokenAddress, amount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceProcessFundedClaim(policyNftId, claimId, availableAmount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceApplicationVerified(poolNftId, bundleNftId, applicationNftId, totalCollateralAmount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceCollateralLocked(poolNftId, bundleNftId, applicationNftId, totalCollateralAmount, lockedCollateralAmount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceCollateralReleased(bundleNftId, policyNftId, remainingCollateralAmount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceSaleProcessed(poolNftId, bundleNftId, bundleNetAmount, bundleFeeAmount, poolFeeAmount)]

  • [LogPoolServicePayoutProcessed(poolNftId, bundleNftId, policyNftId, payoutId, netPayoutAmount, processingFeeAmount, payoutBeneficiary)]

  • [LogNftOwnableNftLinkedToAddress(nftId, owner)]

  • [AuthorityUpdated(authority)]

setMaxBalanceAmount(Amount maxBalanceAmount) external

sets the max balance amount for the calling pool

lockCollateral(contract IInstance instance, address token, NftId productNftId, NftId applicationNftId, NftId bundleNftId, Amount sumInsuredAmount) → Amount localCollateralAmount, Amount totalCollateralAmount external

locks required collateral to cover the specified application (and turn it into a policy) - retention level == 1: the full collateral amount will be locked by the specified bundle - retention level < 1: a part of the coverage is provided by the specified bundle, the rest by the pool component in which case the pool component might hold a re-insurance policy may only be called by the policy service for unlocked pool components

releaseCollateral(contract IInstance instance, NftId policyNftId, struct IPolicy.PolicyInfo policyInfo) external

releases the remaining collateral linked to the specified policy may only be called by the policy service for unlocked pool components

processPayout(contract InstanceReader instanceReader, contract InstanceStore instanceStore, NftId productNftId, NftId policyNftId, NftId bundleNftId, PayoutId payoutId, Amount payoutAmount, address payoutBeneficiary) → Amount netPayoutAmount, Amount processingFeeAmount external

reduces the locked collateral in the bundle associated with the specified policy and updates pool/bundle counters every payout of a policy reduces the collateral by the payout amount may only be called by the claim service for unlocked pool components

stake(NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) → Amount netAmount external

increase stakes for bundle staking fees will be deducted by the pool service from the staking amount may only be called by registered and unlocked pool components

unstake(NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) → Amount netAmount external

decrease stakes for bundle performance fees will be deducted by the pool service from the staking amount may only be called by registered and unlocked pool components

closeBundle(NftId bundleNftId) external

closes the specified bundle only open bundles (active or locked) may be closed to close a bundle it may not have any non-closed polices attached to it bundle fees and remaining capital (after deduction of the performance fee) will be transferred to the bundle owner may only be called by registered and unlocked pool components

withdrawBundleFees(NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) → Amount withdrawnAmount external

Withdraw bundle feeds for the specified bundle.

processFundedClaim(NftId policyNftId, ClaimId claimId, Amount availableAmount) external

Informs product about available funds to process a confirmed claim. The function triggers a callback to the product component when the product’s property isProcessingFundedClaims is set.

fundPoolWallet(Amount amount) external

Fund the pool wallet with the provided amount. This function will collect the amount from the pool owner and transfers it to the pool wallet. The function will not update balance amounts managed by the framework. Only available for externally managed pools.

defundPoolWallet(Amount amount) external

Defund the specified pool wallet with the provided amount. This function will transfer the amount from the pool wallet to the pool owner. The function will not update balance amounts managed by the framework. Only available for externally managed pools.

processSale(NftId bundleNftId, struct IPolicy.PremiumInfo premium) external

processes the sale of a bundle and track the pool fee and bundle fee amounts

LogPoolServiceMaxBalanceAmountUpdated(NftId poolNftId, Amount previousMaxCapitalAmount, Amount currentMaxCapitalAmount) event

LogPoolServiceWalletFunded(NftId poolNftId, address poolOwner, Amount amount) event

LogPoolServiceWalletDefunded(NftId poolNftId, address poolOwner, Amount amount) event

LogPoolServiceBundleCreated(NftId instanceNftId, NftId poolNftId, NftId bundleNftId) event

LogPoolServiceBundleClosed(NftId instanceNftId, NftId poolNftId, NftId bundleNftId) event

LogPoolServiceBundleStaked(NftId instanceNftId, NftId poolNftId, NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount, Amount netAmount) event

LogPoolServiceBundleUnstaked(NftId instanceNftId, NftId poolNftId, NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount, Amount netAmount) event

LogPoolServiceFeesWithdrawn(NftId bundleNftId, address recipient, address tokenAddress, Amount amount) event

LogPoolServiceProcessFundedClaim(NftId policyNftId, ClaimId claimId, Amount availableAmount) event

LogPoolServiceApplicationVerified(NftId poolNftId, NftId bundleNftId, NftId applicationNftId, Amount totalCollateralAmount) event

LogPoolServiceCollateralLocked(NftId poolNftId, NftId bundleNftId, NftId applicationNftId, Amount totalCollateralAmount, Amount lockedCollateralAmount) event

LogPoolServiceCollateralReleased(NftId bundleNftId, NftId policyNftId, Amount remainingCollateralAmount) event

LogPoolServiceSaleProcessed(NftId poolNftId, NftId bundleNftId, Amount bundleNetAmount, Amount bundleFeeAmount, Amount poolFeeAmount) event

LogPoolServicePayoutProcessed(NftId poolNftId, NftId bundleNftId, NftId policyNftId, PayoutId payoutId, Amount netPayoutAmount, Amount processingFeeAmount, address payoutBeneficiary) event


import "@etherisc/gif-next/contracts/pool/IBundleService.sol";
  • [create(owner, fee, lifetime, filter)]

  • [stake(instanceReader, instanceStore, bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [unstake(instanceStore, bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [extend(bundleNftId, lifetimeExtension)]

  • [setLocked(bundleNftId, locked)]

  • [close(instance, bundleNftId)]

  • [setFee(bundleNftId, fee)]

  • [lockCollateral(instance, policyNftId, bundleNftId, collateralAmount)]

  • [releaseCollateral(instanceStore, policyNftId, bundleNftId, collateralAmount)]

  • [getDomain()]

  • [getRoleId()]

  • [initializeVersionable(activatedBy, activationData)]

  • [upgradeVersionable(upgradeData)]

  • [getVersion()]

  • [isActive()]

  • [getInitialInfo()]

  • [getRelease()]

  • [linkToRegisteredNftId()]

  • [getNftId()]

  • [getOwner()]

  • [getRegistry()]

  • [supportsInterface(interfaceId)]

  • [authority()]

  • [setAuthority()]

  • [isConsumingScheduledOp()]

  • [LogBundleServiceBundleCreated(bundleNftId, poolNftId, lifetime)]

  • [LogBundleServiceBundleClosed(bundleNftId)]

  • [LogBundleServiceBundleLocked(bundleNftId)]

  • [LogBundleServiceBundleUnlocked(bundleNftId)]

  • [LogBundleServiceBundleExtended(bundleNftId, lifetimeExtension, extendedExpiredAt)]

  • [LogBundleServiceBundleFeeUpdated(bundleNftId, fixedFee, fractionalFee)]

  • [LogBundleServiceCollateralLocked(bundleNftId, policyNftId, collateralAmount)]

  • [LogBundleServiceCollateralReleased(bundleNftId, policyNftId, collateralAmount)]

  • [LogBundleServiceBundleStaked(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [LogBundleServiceBundleUnstaked(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [LogNftOwnableNftLinkedToAddress(nftId, owner)]

  • [AuthorityUpdated(authority)]

create(address owner, struct Fee fee, Seconds lifetime, bytes filter) → NftId bundleNftId external

Create a new bundle for the specified attributes.

stake(contract InstanceReader instanceReader, contract InstanceStore instanceStore, NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) external

increase bundle stakes by the specified amount. bundle must not be expired or closed may only be called by the pool service

unstake(contract InstanceStore instanceStore, NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) → Amount unstakedAmount external

decrease bundle stakes by the specified amount may only be called by the pool service

extend(NftId bundleNftId, Seconds lifetimeExtension) → Timestamp extendedExpiredAt external

extend the lifetime of the bundle by the specified time in seconds

setLocked(NftId bundleNftId, bool locked) external

locks/unlocks the specified bundle. locked bundles are not available to collateralize new policies. may only be called by registered and unlocked pool components.

close(contract IInstance instance, NftId bundleNftId) → Amount balanceAmount, Amount feeAmount external

closes the specified bundle only open bundles (active or locked) may be closed to close a bundle it may not have any non-closed polices attached to it may only be called by registered and unlocked pool components

setFee(NftId bundleNftId, struct Fee fee) external

set bundle fee to provided value may only be called by registered and unlocked pool components

lockCollateral(contract IInstance instance, NftId policyNftId, NftId bundleNftId, Amount collateralAmount) external

locks the specified collateral in the bundle the locked collateral is added to the bundle locked capital the bundles' fees are updated with the fees for this premium the premium (minus bundle fee) is added to the bundle capital may only be called by pool service

releaseCollateral(contract InstanceStore instanceStore, NftId policyNftId, NftId bundleNftId, Amount collateralAmount) external

releases the specified collateral in the bundle may only be called by pool service

LogBundleServiceBundleCreated(NftId bundleNftId, NftId poolNftId, Seconds lifetime) event

LogBundleServiceBundleClosed(NftId bundleNftId) event

LogBundleServiceBundleLocked(NftId bundleNftId) event

LogBundleServiceBundleUnlocked(NftId bundleNftId) event

LogBundleServiceBundleExtended(NftId bundleNftId, Seconds lifetimeExtension, Timestamp extendedExpiredAt) event

LogBundleServiceBundleFeeUpdated(NftId bundleNftId, Amount fixedFee, UFixed fractionalFee) event

LogBundleServiceCollateralLocked(NftId bundleNftId, NftId policyNftId, Amount collateralAmount) event

LogBundleServiceCollateralReleased(NftId bundleNftId, NftId policyNftId, Amount collateralAmount) event

LogBundleServiceBundleStaked(NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) event

LogBundleServiceBundleUnstaked(NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) event


import "@etherisc/gif-next/contracts/pool/Pool.sol";
  • [getContractLocation(name)]

  • [verifyApplication(applicationNftId, bundleNftId, collateralizationAmount)]

  • [processConfirmedClaim(policyNftId, claimId, amount)]

  • [applicationMatchesBundle(applicationNftId, applicationData, bundleNftId, bundleFilter, collateralizationAmount)]

  • [getInitialPoolInfo()]

  • [__Pool_init(registry, productNftId, name, poolInfo, authorization, initialOwner)]

  • [_setPoolFees(poolFee, stakingFee, performanceFee)]

  • [_setMaxBalanceAmount(maxBalanceAmount)]

  • [_fundPoolWallet(amount)]

  • [_defundPoolWallet(amount)]

  • [_createBundle(bundleOwner, fee, lifetime, filter)]

  • [_setBundleFee(bundleNftId, fee)]

  • [_stake(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [_unstake(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [_extend(bundleNftId, lifetimeExtension)]

  • [_setBundleLocked(bundleNftId, locked)]

  • [_closeBundle(bundleNftId)]

  • [_withdrawBundleFees(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [_processFundedClaim(policyNftId, claimId, availableAmount)]

  • [getInstance()]

  • [getAuthorization()]

  • [withdrawFees(amount)]

  • [_sendRequest(oracleNftId, requestData, expiryAt, callbackMethod)]

  • [_cancelRequest(requestId)]

  • [_resendRequest(requestId)]

  • [__InstanceLinkedComponent_init(registry, parentNftId, name, componentType, authorization, isInterceptor, initialOwner)]

  • [_checkAndGetInstanceNftId(registryAddress, parentNftId, componentType)]

  • [_checkAndGetRegistry(registryAddress, objectNftId, requiredType)]

  • [_setWallet(newWallet)]

  • [_getComponentInfo()]

  • [_getInstanceReader()]

  • [_withdrawFees(amount)]

  • [__Component_init(authority, registry, parentNftId, name, componentType, isInterceptor, initialOwner, registryData)]

  • [nftTransferFrom(from, to, tokenId, operator)]

  • [getWallet()]

  • [getTokenHandler()]

  • [getToken()]

  • [getName()]

  • [getVersion()]

  • [getComponentInfo()]

  • [getInitialComponentInfo()]

  • [isNftInterceptor()]

  • [isRegistered()]

  • [_approveTokenHandler(token, amount)]

  • [_nftTransferFrom(from, to, tokenId, operator)]

  • [_setLocked(locked)]

  • [_getServiceAddress(domain)]

  • [__Registerable_init(authority, registry, parentNftId, objectType, isInterceptor, initialOwner, data)]

  • [isActive()]

  • [getRelease()]

  • [getInitialInfo()]

  • [_checkNftType(nftId, expectedObjectType)]

  • [__NftOwnable_init(registry, initialOwner)]

  • [linkToRegisteredNftId()]

  • [getNftId()]

  • [getOwner()]

  • [_linkToNftOwnable(nftOwnableAddress)]

  • [__RegistryLinked_init(registry)]

  • [getRegistry()]

  • [__ERC165_init()]

  • [_initializeERC165()]

  • [_registerInterface(interfaceId)]

  • [_registerInterfaceNotInitializing(interfaceId)]

  • [supportsInterface(interfaceId)]

  • [__AccessManaged_init(initialAuthority)]

  • [__AccessManaged_init_unchained(initialAuthority)]

  • [authority()]

  • [setAuthority(newAuthority)]

  • [isConsumingScheduledOp()]

  • [_setAuthority(newAuthority)]

  • [_checkCanCall(caller, data)]

  • [__Context_init()]

  • [__Context_init_unchained()]

  • [_msgSender()]

  • [_msgData()]

  • [_contextSuffixLength()]

  • [_checkInitializing()]

  • [_disableInitializers()]

  • [_getInitializedVersion()]

  • [_isInitializing()]

  • [LogPoolVerifiedByPool(pool, applicationNftId, collateralizationAmount)]

  • [LogComponentWalletAddressChanged(oldWallet, newWallet)]

  • [LogComponentWalletTokensTransferred(from, to, amount)]

  • [LogComponentTokenHandlerApproved(tokenHandler, token, limit, isMaxAmount)]

  • [LogNftOwnableNftLinkedToAddress(nftId, owner)]

  • [AuthorityUpdated(authority)]

  • [Initialized(version)]

onlyBundleOwner(NftId bundleNftId) modifier

getContractLocation(bytes name) → bytes32 hash external

verifyApplication(NftId applicationNftId, NftId bundleNftId, Amount collateralizationAmount) public

see {IPoolComponent.verifyApplication}

processConfirmedClaim(NftId policyNftId, ClaimId claimId, Amount amount) public

see {IPoolComponent.processConfirmedClaim}

applicationMatchesBundle(NftId applicationNftId, bytes applicationData, NftId bundleNftId, bytes bundleFilter, Amount collateralizationAmount) → bool isMatching public

see {IPoolComponent.applicationMatchesBundle} Default implementation always returns true. Override this function to implement any custom application verification. Calling super.applicationMatchesBundle will ensure validation of application and bundle nft ids.

getInitialPoolInfo() → struct IComponents.PoolInfo poolInfo public

Returns initial pool specific infos for this pool

__Pool_init(address registry, NftId productNftId, string name, struct IComponents.PoolInfo poolInfo, contract IAuthorization authorization, address initialOwner) internal

_setPoolFees(struct Fee poolFee, struct Fee stakingFee, struct Fee performanceFee) internal

Update pool fees to the specified values. Pool fee: are deducted from the premium amount and goes to the pool owner. Staking fee: are deducted from the staked tokens by a bundle owner and goes to the pool owner. Performance fee: when a bundle is closed a bundle specific profit is calculated. The performance fee is deducted from this profit and goes to the pool owner.

_setMaxBalanceAmount(Amount maxBalanceAmount) internal

Sets the maximum balance amound held by this pool. Function may only be called by pool owner.

_fundPoolWallet(Amount amount) internal

Fund the pool wallet with the specified amount. Function is only available for externally managed pools.

_defundPoolWallet(Amount amount) internal

Withdraw the specified amount from the pool wallet. Function is only available for externally managed pools.

_createBundle(address bundleOwner, struct Fee fee, Seconds lifetime, bytes filter) → NftId bundleNftId internal

Creates a new empty bundle using the provided parameter values.

_setBundleFee(NftId bundleNftId, struct Fee fee) internal

Sets the fee for the specified bundle. The fee is added on top of the poolFee and deducted from the premium amounts Via these fees individual bundler owner may earn income per policy in the context of peer to peer pools.

_stake(NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) → Amount internal

increases the staked tokens by the specified amount bundle MUST be in active or locked state

_unstake(NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) → Amount netAmount internal

decreases the staked tokens by the specified amount bundle MUST be in active, locked or closed state

_extend(NftId bundleNftId, Seconds lifetimeExtension) → Timestamp extendedExpiredAt internal

extends the bundle lifetime of the bundle by the specified time bundle MUST be in active or locked state

_setBundleLocked(NftId bundleNftId, bool locked) internal

Locks the specified bundle. A bundle to be locked MUST be in active state. Locked bundles may not be used to collateralize any new policy.

_closeBundle(NftId bundleNftId) internal

Close the specified bundle. A bundle to be closed MUST be in active or locked state. To close a bundle all all linked policies MUST be in closed state as well. Closing a bundle finalizes the bundle bookkeeping including overall profit calculation. Once a bundle is closed this action cannot be reversed.

_withdrawBundleFees(NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) → Amount withdrawnAmount internal

Withdraws the specified amount of fees from the bundle.

_processFundedClaim(NftId policyNftId, ClaimId claimId, Amount availableAmount) internal


import "@etherisc/gif-next/contracts/pool/BasicPool.sol";
  • [_initializeBasicPool(registry, productNftId, name, poolInfo, authorization, initialOwner)]

  • [stake(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [unstake(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [extend(bundleNftId, lifetimeExtension)]

  • [setBundleLocked(bundleNftId, locked)]

  • [closeBundle(bundleNftId)]

  • [setBundleFee(bundleNftId, fee)]

  • [withdrawBundleFees(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [setMaxBalanceAmount(maxBalanceAmount)]

  • [setFees(poolFee, stakingFee, performanceFee)]

  • [getContractLocation(name)]

  • [verifyApplication(applicationNftId, bundleNftId, collateralizationAmount)]

  • [processConfirmedClaim(policyNftId, claimId, amount)]

  • [applicationMatchesBundle(applicationNftId, applicationData, bundleNftId, bundleFilter, collateralizationAmount)]

  • [getInitialPoolInfo()]

  • [__Pool_init(registry, productNftId, name, poolInfo, authorization, initialOwner)]

  • [_setPoolFees(poolFee, stakingFee, performanceFee)]

  • [_setMaxBalanceAmount(maxBalanceAmount)]

  • [_fundPoolWallet(amount)]

  • [_defundPoolWallet(amount)]

  • [_createBundle(bundleOwner, fee, lifetime, filter)]

  • [_setBundleFee(bundleNftId, fee)]

  • [_stake(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [_unstake(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [_extend(bundleNftId, lifetimeExtension)]

  • [_setBundleLocked(bundleNftId, locked)]

  • [_closeBundle(bundleNftId)]

  • [_withdrawBundleFees(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [_processFundedClaim(policyNftId, claimId, availableAmount)]

  • [getInstance()]

  • [getAuthorization()]

  • [withdrawFees(amount)]

  • [_sendRequest(oracleNftId, requestData, expiryAt, callbackMethod)]

  • [_cancelRequest(requestId)]

  • [_resendRequest(requestId)]

  • [__InstanceLinkedComponent_init(registry, parentNftId, name, componentType, authorization, isInterceptor, initialOwner)]

  • [_checkAndGetInstanceNftId(registryAddress, parentNftId, componentType)]

  • [_checkAndGetRegistry(registryAddress, objectNftId, requiredType)]

  • [_setWallet(newWallet)]

  • [_getComponentInfo()]

  • [_getInstanceReader()]

  • [_withdrawFees(amount)]

  • [__Component_init(authority, registry, parentNftId, name, componentType, isInterceptor, initialOwner, registryData)]

  • [nftTransferFrom(from, to, tokenId, operator)]

  • [getWallet()]

  • [getTokenHandler()]

  • [getToken()]

  • [getName()]

  • [getVersion()]

  • [getComponentInfo()]

  • [getInitialComponentInfo()]

  • [isNftInterceptor()]

  • [isRegistered()]

  • [_approveTokenHandler(token, amount)]

  • [_nftTransferFrom(from, to, tokenId, operator)]

  • [_setLocked(locked)]

  • [_getServiceAddress(domain)]

  • [__Registerable_init(authority, registry, parentNftId, objectType, isInterceptor, initialOwner, data)]

  • [isActive()]

  • [getRelease()]

  • [getInitialInfo()]

  • [_checkNftType(nftId, expectedObjectType)]

  • [__NftOwnable_init(registry, initialOwner)]

  • [linkToRegisteredNftId()]

  • [getNftId()]

  • [getOwner()]

  • [_linkToNftOwnable(nftOwnableAddress)]

  • [__RegistryLinked_init(registry)]

  • [getRegistry()]

  • [__ERC165_init()]

  • [_initializeERC165()]

  • [_registerInterface(interfaceId)]

  • [_registerInterfaceNotInitializing(interfaceId)]

  • [supportsInterface(interfaceId)]

  • [__AccessManaged_init(initialAuthority)]

  • [__AccessManaged_init_unchained(initialAuthority)]

  • [authority()]

  • [setAuthority(newAuthority)]

  • [isConsumingScheduledOp()]

  • [_setAuthority(newAuthority)]

  • [_checkCanCall(caller, data)]

  • [__Context_init()]

  • [__Context_init_unchained()]

  • [_msgSender()]

  • [_msgData()]

  • [_contextSuffixLength()]

  • [_checkInitializing()]

  • [_disableInitializers()]

  • [_getInitializedVersion()]

  • [_isInitializing()]

  • [LogPoolVerifiedByPool(pool, applicationNftId, collateralizationAmount)]

  • [LogComponentWalletAddressChanged(oldWallet, newWallet)]

  • [LogComponentWalletTokensTransferred(from, to, amount)]

  • [LogComponentTokenHandlerApproved(tokenHandler, token, limit, isMaxAmount)]

  • [LogNftOwnableNftLinkedToAddress(nftId, owner)]

  • [AuthorityUpdated(authority)]

  • [Initialized(version)]

_initializeBasicPool(address registry, NftId productNftId, string name, struct IComponents.PoolInfo poolInfo, contract IAuthorization authorization, address initialOwner) internal

stake(NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) public

unstake(NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) public

extend(NftId bundleNftId, Seconds lifetimeExtension) → Timestamp newExpiredAt public

setBundleLocked(NftId bundleNftId, bool locked) public

closeBundle(NftId bundleNftId) public

setBundleFee(NftId bundleNftId, struct Fee fee) public

Updates the bundle feeds to the specified values.

withdrawBundleFees(NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) → Amount withdrawnAmount external

Withdraw bundle feeds for the given bundle.

setMaxBalanceAmount(Amount maxBalanceAmount) public

setFees(struct Fee poolFee, struct Fee stakingFee, struct Fee performanceFee) public


import "@etherisc/gif-next/contracts/pool/BasicPoolAuthorization.sol";
  • [constructor(poolName)]

  • [_setupServiceTargets()]

  • [_setupTokenHandlerAuthorizations()]

  • [_setupTargetAuthorizations()]

  • [getTokenHandlerName()]

  • [getTokenHandlerTarget()]

  • [getTarget(targetName)]

  • [getTargets()]

  • [targetExists(target)]

  • [_setupTargets()]

  • [_setupRoles()]

  • [_addCustomRole(roleId, adminRoleId, maxMemberCount, name)]

  • [_addGifTarget(contractName)]

  • [_addInstanceTarget(contractName)]

  • [_addTarget(name)]

  • [_toTargetRoleId(targetDomain)]

  • [_toTargetRoleName(targetName)]

  • [getDomain()]

  • [getRelease()]

  • [getCommitHash()]

  • [getMainTargetName()]

  • [getMainTarget()]

  • [getServiceDomains()]

  • [getServiceDomain(idx)]

  • [getServiceTarget(serviceDomain)]

  • [getServiceRole(serviceDomain)]

  • [getServiceAddress(serviceDomain)]

  • [getTargetRole(target)]

  • [roleExists(roleId)]

  • [getRoles()]

  • [getRoleInfo(roleId)]

  • [getRoleName(roleId)]

  • [getAuthorizedRoles(target)]

  • [getAuthorizedFunctions(target, roleId)]

  • [_setupDomains()]

  • [_setupDomainAuthorizations()]

  • [_authorizeServiceDomain(serviceDomain, serviceAddress)]

  • [_addTargetWithRole(targetName, roleId, roleName)]

  • [_addRole(roleId, info)]

  • [_authorizeForService(serviceDomain, authorizedDomain)]

  • [_authorizeForTarget(target, authorizedRoleId)]

  • [_authorize(functions, selector, name)]

  • [__ERC165_init()]

  • [_initializeERC165()]

  • [_registerInterface(interfaceId)]

  • [_registerInterfaceNotInitializing(interfaceId)]

  • [supportsInterface(interfaceId)]

  • [_checkInitializing()]

  • [_disableInitializers()]

  • [_getInitializedVersion()]

  • [_isInitializing()]

  • [Initialized(version)]

constructor(string poolName) public

_setupServiceTargets() internal

Sets up the relevant service targets for the component. Overwrite this function for use case specific authorizations.

_setupTokenHandlerAuthorizations() internal

Sets up the relevant component’s token handler authorizations. Overwrite this function for use case specific authorizations.

_setupTargetAuthorizations() internal

Sets up the relevant target authorizations for the component. Overwrite this function for use case specific authorizations.


import "@etherisc/gif-next/contracts/pool/PoolService.sol";
  • [_initialize(owner, data)]

  • [setMaxBalanceAmount(maxBalanceAmount)]

  • [closeBundle(bundleNftId)]

  • [processFundedClaim(policyNftId, claimId, availableAmount)]

  • [stake(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [unstake(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [fundPoolWallet(amount)]

  • [defundPoolWallet(amount)]

  • [processSale(bundleNftId, premium)]

  • [lockCollateral(instance, token, productNftId, applicationNftId, bundleNftId, sumInsuredAmount)]

  • [processPayout(instanceReader, instanceStore, productNftId, policyNftId, bundleNftId, payoutId, payoutAmount, payoutBeneficiary)]

  • [withdrawBundleFees(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [releaseCollateral(instance, policyNftId, policyInfo)]

  • [_getAndVerifyActivePool()]

  • [_getDomain()]

  • [__Service_init(authority, registry, initialOwner)]

  • [getDomain()]

  • [getVersion()]

  • [getRoleId()]

  • [_getServiceAddress(domain)]

  • [__ReentrancyGuard_init()]

  • [__ReentrancyGuard_init_unchained()]

  • [_reentrancyGuardEntered()]

  • [initializeVersionable(activatedBy, data)]

  • [upgradeVersionable(data)]

  • [_upgrade(data)]

  • [__Registerable_init(authority, registry, parentNftId, objectType, isInterceptor, initialOwner, data)]

  • [isActive()]

  • [getRelease()]

  • [getInitialInfo()]

  • [_checkNftType(nftId, expectedObjectType)]

  • [__NftOwnable_init(registry, initialOwner)]

  • [linkToRegisteredNftId()]

  • [getNftId()]

  • [getOwner()]

  • [_linkToNftOwnable(nftOwnableAddress)]

  • [__RegistryLinked_init(registry)]

  • [getRegistry()]

  • [__ERC165_init()]

  • [_initializeERC165()]

  • [_registerInterface(interfaceId)]

  • [_registerInterfaceNotInitializing(interfaceId)]

  • [supportsInterface(interfaceId)]

  • [__AccessManaged_init(initialAuthority)]

  • [__AccessManaged_init_unchained(initialAuthority)]

  • [authority()]

  • [setAuthority(newAuthority)]

  • [isConsumingScheduledOp()]

  • [_setAuthority(newAuthority)]

  • [_checkCanCall(caller, data)]

  • [__Context_init()]

  • [__Context_init_unchained()]

  • [_msgSender()]

  • [_msgData()]

  • [_contextSuffixLength()]

  • [_checkInitializing()]

  • [_disableInitializers()]

  • [_getInitializedVersion()]

  • [_isInitializing()]

  • [LogPoolServiceMaxBalanceAmountUpdated(poolNftId, previousMaxCapitalAmount, currentMaxCapitalAmount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceWalletFunded(poolNftId, poolOwner, amount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceWalletDefunded(poolNftId, poolOwner, amount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceBundleCreated(instanceNftId, poolNftId, bundleNftId)]

  • [LogPoolServiceBundleClosed(instanceNftId, poolNftId, bundleNftId)]

  • [LogPoolServiceBundleStaked(instanceNftId, poolNftId, bundleNftId, amount, netAmount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceBundleUnstaked(instanceNftId, poolNftId, bundleNftId, amount, netAmount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceFeesWithdrawn(bundleNftId, recipient, tokenAddress, amount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceProcessFundedClaim(policyNftId, claimId, availableAmount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceApplicationVerified(poolNftId, bundleNftId, applicationNftId, totalCollateralAmount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceCollateralLocked(poolNftId, bundleNftId, applicationNftId, totalCollateralAmount, lockedCollateralAmount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceCollateralReleased(bundleNftId, policyNftId, remainingCollateralAmount)]

  • [LogPoolServiceSaleProcessed(poolNftId, bundleNftId, bundleNetAmount, bundleFeeAmount, poolFeeAmount)]

  • [LogPoolServicePayoutProcessed(poolNftId, bundleNftId, policyNftId, payoutId, netPayoutAmount, processingFeeAmount, payoutBeneficiary)]

  • [LogNftOwnableNftLinkedToAddress(nftId, owner)]

  • [AuthorityUpdated(authority)]

  • [Initialized(version)]

_initialize(address owner, bytes data) internal

setMaxBalanceAmount(Amount maxBalanceAmount) external

sets the max balance amount for the calling pool

closeBundle(NftId bundleNftId) external

closes the specified bundle only open bundles (active or locked) may be closed to close a bundle it may not have any non-closed polices attached to it bundle fees and remaining capital (after deduction of the performance fee) will be transferred to the bundle owner may only be called by registered and unlocked pool components

processFundedClaim(NftId policyNftId, ClaimId claimId, Amount availableAmount) external

Informs product about available funds to process a confirmed claim. The function triggers a callback to the product component when the product’s property isProcessingFundedClaims is set.

stake(NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) → Amount netAmount external

increase stakes for bundle staking fees will be deducted by the pool service from the staking amount may only be called by registered and unlocked pool components

unstake(NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) → Amount netAmount external

decrease stakes for bundle performance fees will be deducted by the pool service from the staking amount may only be called by registered and unlocked pool components

fundPoolWallet(Amount amount) external

Fund the pool wallet with the provided amount. This function will collect the amount from the pool owner and transfers it to the pool wallet. The function will not update balance amounts managed by the framework. Only available for externally managed pools.

defundPoolWallet(Amount amount) external

Defund the specified pool wallet with the provided amount. This function will transfer the amount from the pool wallet to the pool owner. The function will not update balance amounts managed by the framework. Only available for externally managed pools.

processSale(NftId bundleNftId, struct IPolicy.PremiumInfo premium) external

processes the sale of a bundle and track the pool fee and bundle fee amounts

lockCollateral(contract IInstance instance, address token, NftId productNftId, NftId applicationNftId, NftId bundleNftId, Amount sumInsuredAmount) → Amount totalCollateralAmount, Amount localCollateralAmount external

locks required collateral to cover the specified application (and turn it into a policy) - retention level == 1: the full collateral amount will be locked by the specified bundle - retention level < 1: a part of the coverage is provided by the specified bundle, the rest by the pool component in which case the pool component might hold a re-insurance policy may only be called by the policy service for unlocked pool components

processPayout(contract InstanceReader instanceReader, contract InstanceStore instanceStore, NftId productNftId, NftId policyNftId, NftId bundleNftId, PayoutId payoutId, Amount payoutAmount, address payoutBeneficiary) → Amount netPayoutAmount, Amount processingFeeAmount external

reduces the locked collateral in the bundle associated with the specified policy and updates pool/bundle counters every payout of a policy reduces the collateral by the payout amount may only be called by the claim service for unlocked pool components

withdrawBundleFees(NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) → Amount withdrawnAmount public

Withdraw bundle feeds for the specified bundle.

releaseCollateral(contract IInstance instance, NftId policyNftId, struct IPolicy.PolicyInfo policyInfo) external

releases the remaining collateral linked to the specified policy may only be called by the policy service for unlocked pool components

_getAndVerifyActivePool() → NftId poolNftId, contract IInstance instance internal

_getDomain() → ObjectType internal


import "@etherisc/gif-next/contracts/pool/BundleService.sol";
  • [_initialize(owner, data)]

  • [setFee(bundleNftId, fee)]

  • [create(owner, bundleFee, lifetime, filter)]

  • [lockCollateral(instance, policyNftId, bundleNftId, collateralAmount)]

  • [setLocked(bundleNftId, locked)]

  • [close(instance, bundleNftId)]

  • [stake(instanceReader, instanceStore, bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [unstake(instanceStore, bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [extend(bundleNftId, lifetimeExtension)]

  • [releaseCollateral(instanceStore, policyNftId, bundleNftId, collateralAmount)]

  • [_getDomain()]

  • [__Service_init(authority, registry, initialOwner)]

  • [getDomain()]

  • [getVersion()]

  • [getRoleId()]

  • [_getServiceAddress(domain)]

  • [__ReentrancyGuard_init()]

  • [__ReentrancyGuard_init_unchained()]

  • [_reentrancyGuardEntered()]

  • [initializeVersionable(activatedBy, data)]

  • [upgradeVersionable(data)]

  • [_upgrade(data)]

  • [__Registerable_init(authority, registry, parentNftId, objectType, isInterceptor, initialOwner, data)]

  • [isActive()]

  • [getRelease()]

  • [getInitialInfo()]

  • [_checkNftType(nftId, expectedObjectType)]

  • [__NftOwnable_init(registry, initialOwner)]

  • [linkToRegisteredNftId()]

  • [getNftId()]

  • [getOwner()]

  • [_linkToNftOwnable(nftOwnableAddress)]

  • [__RegistryLinked_init(registry)]

  • [getRegistry()]

  • [__ERC165_init()]

  • [_initializeERC165()]

  • [_registerInterface(interfaceId)]

  • [_registerInterfaceNotInitializing(interfaceId)]

  • [supportsInterface(interfaceId)]

  • [__AccessManaged_init(initialAuthority)]

  • [__AccessManaged_init_unchained(initialAuthority)]

  • [authority()]

  • [setAuthority(newAuthority)]

  • [isConsumingScheduledOp()]

  • [_setAuthority(newAuthority)]

  • [_checkCanCall(caller, data)]

  • [__Context_init()]

  • [__Context_init_unchained()]

  • [_msgSender()]

  • [_msgData()]

  • [_contextSuffixLength()]

  • [_checkInitializing()]

  • [_disableInitializers()]

  • [_getInitializedVersion()]

  • [_isInitializing()]

  • [LogBundleServiceBundleCreated(bundleNftId, poolNftId, lifetime)]

  • [LogBundleServiceBundleClosed(bundleNftId)]

  • [LogBundleServiceBundleLocked(bundleNftId)]

  • [LogBundleServiceBundleUnlocked(bundleNftId)]

  • [LogBundleServiceBundleExtended(bundleNftId, lifetimeExtension, extendedExpiredAt)]

  • [LogBundleServiceBundleFeeUpdated(bundleNftId, fixedFee, fractionalFee)]

  • [LogBundleServiceCollateralLocked(bundleNftId, policyNftId, collateralAmount)]

  • [LogBundleServiceCollateralReleased(bundleNftId, policyNftId, collateralAmount)]

  • [LogBundleServiceBundleStaked(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [LogBundleServiceBundleUnstaked(bundleNftId, amount)]

  • [LogNftOwnableNftLinkedToAddress(nftId, owner)]

  • [AuthorityUpdated(authority)]

  • [Initialized(version)]

_initialize(address owner, bytes data) internal

setFee(NftId bundleNftId, struct Fee fee) external

set bundle fee to provided value may only be called by registered and unlocked pool components

create(address owner, struct Fee bundleFee, Seconds lifetime, bytes filter) → NftId bundleNftId external

lockCollateral(contract IInstance instance, NftId policyNftId, NftId bundleNftId, Amount collateralAmount) external

locks the specified collateral in the bundle the locked collateral is added to the bundle locked capital the bundles' fees are updated with the fees for this premium the premium (minus bundle fee) is added to the bundle capital may only be called by pool service

setLocked(NftId bundleNftId, bool locked) external

locks/unlocks the specified bundle. locked bundles are not available to collateralize new policies. may only be called by registered and unlocked pool components.

close(contract IInstance instance, NftId bundleNftId) → Amount unstakedAmount, Amount feeAmount external

closes the specified bundle only open bundles (active or locked) may be closed to close a bundle it may not have any non-closed polices attached to it may only be called by registered and unlocked pool components

stake(contract InstanceReader instanceReader, contract InstanceStore instanceStore, NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) external

increase bundle stakes by the specified amount. bundle must not be expired or closed may only be called by the pool service

unstake(contract InstanceStore instanceStore, NftId bundleNftId, Amount amount) → Amount unstakedAmount external

decrease bundle stakes by the specified amount may only be called by the pool service

extend(NftId bundleNftId, Seconds lifetimeExtension) → Timestamp extendedExpiredAt external

extend the lifetime of the bundle by the specified time in seconds

releaseCollateral(contract InstanceStore instanceStore, NftId policyNftId, NftId bundleNftId, Amount collateralAmount) external

releases the specified collateral in the bundle may only be called by pool service

_getDomain() → ObjectType internal


import "@etherisc/gif-next/contracts/pool/PoolServiceManager.sol";
  • [constructor(authority, registry, salt)]

  • [getPoolService()]

  • [initialize(registry, implementation, data, salt)]

  • [deploy(registry, initialImplementation, initializationData)]

  • [deployDetermenistic(registry, initialImplementation, initializationData, salt)]

  • [upgrade(newImplementation)]

  • [upgrade(newImplementation, upgradeData)]

  • [linkToProxy()]

  • [getDeployData(proxyOwner, deployData)]

  • [getUpgradeData(upgradeData)]

  • [getProxy()]

  • [getVersion()]

  • [getVersionCount()]

  • [getVersion(idx)]

  • [getVersionInfo(_version)]

  • [_checkNftType(nftId, expectedObjectType)]

  • [__NftOwnable_init(registry, initialOwner)]

  • [linkToRegisteredNftId()]

  • [getNftId()]

  • [getOwner()]

  • [_linkToNftOwnable(nftOwnableAddress)]

  • [__RegistryLinked_init(registry)]

  • [getRegistry()]

  • [__ERC165_init()]

  • [_initializeERC165()]

  • [_registerInterface(interfaceId)]

  • [_registerInterfaceNotInitializing(interfaceId)]

  • [supportsInterface(interfaceId)]

  • [_checkInitializing()]

  • [_disableInitializers()]

  • [_getInitializedVersion()]

  • [_isInitializing()]

  • [LogProxyManagerVersionableDeployed(proxy, initialImplementation)]

  • [LogProxyManagerVersionableUpgraded(proxy, upgradedImplementation)]

  • [LogNftOwnableNftLinkedToAddress(nftId, owner)]

  • [Initialized(version)]

constructor(address authority, address registry, bytes32 salt) public

initializes proxy manager with pool service implementation

getPoolService() → contract PoolService poolService external


import "@etherisc/gif-next/contracts/pool/BundleServiceManager.sol";
  • [constructor(authority, registry, salt)]

  • [getBundleService()]

  • [initialize(registry, implementation, data, salt)]

  • [deploy(registry, initialImplementation, initializationData)]

  • [deployDetermenistic(registry, initialImplementation, initializationData, salt)]

  • [upgrade(newImplementation)]

  • [upgrade(newImplementation, upgradeData)]

  • [linkToProxy()]

  • [getDeployData(proxyOwner, deployData)]

  • [getUpgradeData(upgradeData)]

  • [getProxy()]

  • [getVersion()]

  • [getVersionCount()]

  • [getVersion(idx)]

  • [getVersionInfo(_version)]

  • [_checkNftType(nftId, expectedObjectType)]

  • [__NftOwnable_init(registry, initialOwner)]

  • [linkToRegisteredNftId()]

  • [getNftId()]

  • [getOwner()]

  • [_linkToNftOwnable(nftOwnableAddress)]

  • [__RegistryLinked_init(registry)]

  • [getRegistry()]

  • [__ERC165_init()]

  • [_initializeERC165()]

  • [_registerInterface(interfaceId)]

  • [_registerInterfaceNotInitializing(interfaceId)]

  • [supportsInterface(interfaceId)]

  • [_checkInitializing()]

  • [_disableInitializers()]

  • [_getInitializedVersion()]

  • [_isInitializing()]

  • [LogProxyManagerVersionableDeployed(proxy, initialImplementation)]

  • [LogProxyManagerVersionableUpgraded(proxy, upgradedImplementation)]

  • [LogNftOwnableNftLinkedToAddress(nftId, owner)]

  • [Initialized(version)]

constructor(address authority, address registry, bytes32 salt) public

initializes proxy manager with pool service implementation

getBundleService() → contract BundleService external