
This document is better viewed at https://docs.etherisc.com/contracts/api/flows



import "@etherisc/gif-contracts/contracts/flows/PolicyDefaultFlow.sol";

onlyActivePolicy(bytes32 processId) modifier

onlyExpiredPolicy(bytes32 processId) modifier

notClosedPolicy(bytes32 processId) modifier

onlyResponsibleProduct(bytes32 processId) modifier

onlyMatchingProduct(uint256 requestId) modifier

constructor(address _registry) public

Constructor function that initializes the contract with a given registry address.

newApplication(address owner, uint256 premiumAmount, uint256 sumInsuredAmount, bytes metaData, bytes applicationData) → bytes32 processId external

Creates a new insurance application and returns the process ID.

revoke(bytes32 processId) external

Revokes an application for a specific processId.

underwrite(bytes32 processId) → bool success external

Attempts to get the collateral to secure the policy.

collectPremium(bytes32 processId, uint256 amount) → bool success, uint256 feeAmount, uint256 netPremiumAmount public

Collects the premium for a given policy and updates the book keeping of the policy and the risk pool.

adjustPremiumSumInsured(bytes32 processId, uint256 expectedPremiumAmount, uint256 sumInsuredAmount) external

Adjusts the premium and sum insured amounts of a policy.

decline(bytes32 processId) external

Allows the responsible product to decline an application for a policy.

expire(bytes32 processId) external

Expire the policy identified by the given process ID.

close(bytes32 processId) external

Closes a policy and releases the corresponding funds from the pool.

newClaim(bytes32 processId, uint256 claimAmount, bytes data) → uint256 claimId external

Creates a new claim for a given process ID, claim amount and data.

confirmClaim(bytes32 processId, uint256 claimId, uint256 confirmedAmount) external

Confirms a claim for a specific process and claim ID, updating the confirmed amount.

declineClaim(bytes32 processId, uint256 claimId) external

Allows the responsible product to decline a claim.

closeClaim(bytes32 processId, uint256 claimId) external

Closes a claim for a specific process and claim ID.

newPayout(bytes32 processId, uint256 claimId, uint256 amount, bytes data) → uint256 payoutId external

Creates a new payout for a specific claim.

processPayout(bytes32 processId, uint256 payoutId) → bool success, uint256 feeAmount, uint256 netPayoutAmount external

Processes a payout for a specific process and payout ID.

request(bytes32 processId, bytes _input, string _callbackMethodName, address _callbackContractAddress, uint256 _responsibleOracleId) → uint256 _requestId external

Sends a request to the query contract to initiate a new process.

cancelRequest(uint256 requestId) external

Cancels a request with the given requestId.

getApplicationData(bytes32 processId) → bytes external

Returns the application data associated with the given process ID.

getClaimData(bytes32 processId, uint256 claimId) → bytes external

Returns the claim data of a specific claim for a given process ID.

getPayoutData(bytes32 processId, uint256 payoutId) → bytes external

Returns the payout data for a given process and payout ID.

getComponentContract() → contract ComponentController internal

Returns the ComponentController contract instance.

getPoolContract() → contract PoolController internal

Returns the PoolController contract instance from the registry.

getPolicyContract() → contract PolicyController internal

Returns the PolicyController contract instance from the registry.

getQueryContract() → contract QueryModule internal

Returns the QueryModule contract instance from the registry.

getTreasuryContract() → contract TreasuryModule internal

Retrieves the TreasuryModule contract instance.